2010년 10월 26일 화요일

Sustainability in my GAP trip

1. On your Gap trip was evidence was there of 'sustainability' what evidence was there of 'non-sustainability'?

I went to Cambodia. On my gap trip, Cambodians show evidences of sustainability about food and clothes in a countryside village. They have large farm-especially rice- everywhere such as besides road, in the village. Also they grow lots of cows, chickens, and etc. Sometimes I saw those animals walking around the village. They had a little silk factory. It was really small but they used environmental-friendly process. It was evidence of non-sustainability, I really didn't get to see the situation but in a newspaper article, it was said that hotels using too much underground water so the ankor watt will be collapsed if this situation keep continues.

2010년 10월 13일 수요일

questions 14/10

1. which of these statements is most important?

The statement was saying that it will be impossible to live if there were no tigers, elephants etc. The food chain in nature is very complicated and also important because it makes nature to run properly. If one relationship is broken it affects every chain and the nature will be collapsed. It's really hard to restore the chain artificially.

2. Answer 'Can nature and humanity flourish simultaneously?'

Yes, they can flourish simultaneously. Actually humans and nature coexisted together since humans appeared to the earth for thousands years. However human started to destroy the nature few centuries ago and nowadays the earth is in danger. If we try saving the nature and put effort, human will be able to flourish simultaneously with nature.