2010년 9월 23일 목요일

food label worksheet

Food Label Worksheet


Name _____/20 points

Select a partner to work with. Use this site to help with the questions: //www.fda.gov/Food/LabelingNutrition/ConsumerInformation/ucm078889.htm#see1

Pick up a food product that has a food label from the front of the room. With the assistance of the internet food label guide, answer the following questions on your food’s label. These questions should give you a good idea of the nutritional value of your food.

What is your food product?
1. What is the serving size? 38g
2. How many servings per container? one serving
3. How many calories per serving? 190
4. How many calories are from fat? 20.9
5. What percentage of each serving’s calories comes from fat?
(Do the math yourself.) 11%

6. What is the total fat percentage of your food? 11%
Is this content Low/Moderate/High? low
7. What is the saturated fat percentage in your food? 11%
Is this content Low/High? low
8. How much of your diet should come from saturated fats? less than 20g

9. What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats?
Saturated fat is found in animal products and processed foods, such as meats, dairy products, chips, and pastries. Saturated fats are not heart healthy, since they are known for raising LDC.
Unsaturated fat are found in nuts, avocados, and olives. They are liquid at room temperature and differ from saturated fats. They raise HDC which is good.

10. What is the percentage cholesterol in your food?moderate
Is that Low/Moderate/High
11. How much sodium is in your food? 
0mg (0%)Is this content Low/Moderate/High? 
Low (No sodium)12. What is the carbohydrate content of your food? 
27 grams (9%)Is this content Low/Moderate/High? 
Low13.What is the sugar content of your food? 
Sugar < 27 grams (7%)Is this content Low/Moderate/High? 
Low 14. Why are sugars not good for you?
Some amount of sugar is good for your health but excess of sugar can become a health issue as not all of the sugar changes into energy and will start sticking on your cells. Too much sugar can also increase the insulin levels in your body and lead to health issues like diabetes. 15. How much fiber is in your food? 
<1 gram (2%)16.Why is fiber good for you?
Fiber controls the glucose level in the body and less sugar is absorbed by the body. Fiber also cleans up all the bacteria in body and also helps your intestine to work faster.17. How much protein is in your food? 
3 grams (6%)Is this content Low/Moderate/High? 
Low 18. What is the Vitamin A , Vitamin C, Calcium, and Iron content of your food?
Vit. A: 12 IU
Vit. C: 0.3 mg
Calcium: 4%
Iron: 4%

19. Overall, what would you say is the nutritional value of your food? Is it good for you? Why or why not?
I think it's not good because the amount of fat is over 10% which is a lot.

댓글 1개:

  1. Yeo Jin,

    Good job on this assignment. I think you could have done more with your final analysis. The last question is very brief, you only commented on the over fat content but did not mention any other nutrients. 18/20
