2010년 9월 16일 목요일

nutrition graphs

* Reports(calorie chart, nutrition, RDA/AL graph, calorie balance)

*quick assessment of how you did with your eating and activity

In my daily diet, carbohydrate takes a lot of space and too high percentage in daily allowance compare to other main two, protein and fat because I eat rice as main food. Instead of consuming carbohydrate, I need to have more protain and vegetable. In daily allowance graph, values of protein and fiber are too low. Also I need to reduce fat in my diet in comparison with protein. Actually, I ate less meat that day so it can be too lower than usual days.

댓글 1개:

  1. HI Yeo Jin,

    Again very well done but a bit too brief, you should have talked about the difference between a weekend and a weekday and what those differences were. 9/10
